"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
Abraham Kaplan, 1918-1993 in 1964
I can deal with this...
I like this problem.
Angry Monster?
How about now?
More than one tool...
A tool for a big job...
A tool for a complicated job...
A tool to make our job cool and fun...
Ghent, Belgium
Web Performance & Operations
John Allspaw and Paul Hammond
Dubois missed it!
Jez Humble, Co-author of Continuous Delivery
[...] the Devops movement addresses the dysfunction that results from organizations composed of functional silos. Thus, creating another functional silo that sits between dev and ops is clearly a poor (and ironic) way to try and solve these problems.
A Fourteen Year Study Of High Performing IT Organizations
- Gene Kim
We start taking down the wall...
Danger Zone!
"You need a culture that keeps pushing into the danger zone, and has the habits that enable you to survive in the danger zone."
TurboTax did 165 new-feature experiments in the 3 month tax season
What does this look like?
Puppet Manifest
def github(name, version, options = nil)
options ||= {}
options[:repo] ||= "boxen/puppet-#{name}"
mod name, version, :github_tarball => options[:repo]
github "gcc", "1.0.0"
github "git", "1.2.2"
github "homebrew", "1.1.2"
github "nginx", "1.4.0"
github "nodejs", "2.2.0"
github "ruby", "4.1.0"
github "stdlib", "4.0.2", :repo => "puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib"
github "sudo", "1.0.0"
Complete fail.
Boxen Project Manifest
class projects::trollin {
include icu4c
include phantomjs
boxen::project { 'trollin':
dotenv => true,
elasticsearch => true,
mysql => true,
nginx => true,
redis => true,
ruby => '1.9.3',
source => 'boxen/trollin'
'DevOps' up 50% on Linkedin keyword searches
class people::jbarnette {
include emacs # requires emacs module in Puppetfile
include sparrow # requires sparrow module in Puppetfile
$home = "/Users/${::luser}"
$my = "${home}/my"
$dotfiles = "${my}/dotfiles"
repository { $dotfiles:
source => 'jbarnette/dotfiles',
require => File[$my]
"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."- Mark Twain
Dev and Test are no longer seperable
Not doing TDD? You will never get to CD
Hand-off Readiness Review
April 21st, 2011 Amazon Web Service outage
Netfilx maintained availability
40 minute to 12 seconds!
Automating common operational tasks with Hu-Bot
Dev to DevOps
Dinshaw Gobhai | dgobhai@constantcontact.com